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The stories of the everyday life of a black mage and a slime that run a magic store together as master and servant.
Halloween and Slime
Everyone And Slime
END Slime Life [END]
Welcome Back, Golem
The Grand Magic of Courage
The Day Of
The Days Until
Shadow Golem
Strategy Meeting on a Bench
Shadow Wants to Help
Thank You
Studying the Magic of the Heart
Yorul and Darul
Yorul's All-Nighter
A Day Off
Taking a Day Off
No Matter What
Chatting Time
Sandwich Party
The Meddlesome Mages
Siroro's House Pt 2
Siroro's House Pt 1
Gloomy Yorul
Meddlesome Yorul Pt 3
Meddlesome Yorul Pt 2
Meddlesome Yorul Pt 1
A Peaceful Evening
Omake New Product Meeting!!
The Race Against Time
The Final Hurdle
Darul's Task
Treasure Unravelling and Slime
The Helper
Restless Slime
Slime and Friends Around the Hot Pot
Making Hot Pot and Slime
Store Tending Report
Everyone's Souvenirs
Golem Conference Pt 3
Golem Conference Pt 2
Golem Conference Pt 1
Everything Store and Slime Pt 3
Everything Store and Slime Pt 2
Everything Store and Slime Pt 1
Treasure and Slime
Treasure Appraisal and Slime
Skewer Shop
Store Tending Practice
Rummage Sale
Homemade Cake and Slime
Black Tea and Slime
Gummies and Pocona
Gummy Making Slime
Old Maid and Slime Pt 2
Old Maid and Slime Pt 1
Siroro's Sandwich Class
The Treasure, Slime, and Pocona
Hydra Stone and Dragon Stone
Darul's Souvenir Tale
Hydra Stone and Vlad
The Dungeon's Return Trip
A Promise to Talos
Talos and Slime
The Treasure of War
Sera's Promise
"I Lose"
Time Stopping
The Magician of Time
Sera's Grand Magic
Sera-nee VS Slime
Sera, Darul, and, at Times, Slime
Whereabout of a Heart
The Indomitable, Godly Titan
Dark Talos
The Conclusion!?
Talos' Weakness
The Impenetrable Talos
The Black Iron, Godly Titan
The Godly Titan's Blow
The Treasure's Chamber Pt 2
The Treasure's Chamber Pt 1
The Path to the Lowest Stratum
Legend vs Legend
Talos, the Titan
Attack of the Titan
Fearless Pursuer
Meaning of Black Iron
Vanishing Like Mist
Gremlins' Counterattack
Shadow Wants to Help Pt 2
Shadow Wants to Help Pt 1
Automaton Pt 2
Automaton Pt 1
The Dungeon Moves
Exploration Begin!
Protector Slime
Big Sister's Plan
Black Iron Dungeon
Dungeon Dangers
To the Dungeon!!
Dungeon Equipment
Dungeon Assault Team
Saria's Idea
Fenrir's Idea
Slime and New Goods
Yorul's Thank You Cookie Pt 2
Yorul's Thank You Cookie Pt 1
Comforting Vlad
Reliable Slime
Big and Little Sister
Prided Flower
Slime's Quiz Show Pt 2
Slime's Quiz Show Pt 1
Siroro's Scary Story
Slime's Scary Story
Sera Alucard
Fenrir's Furniture Contruction
Slime Is Home
Returning at Sunset
Furniture Dealer and Slime Pt 2
Furniture Dealer and Slime Pt 1
Souvenir Guidance and Slime
Golem Grandpa Pt 3
Golem Grandpa Pt 2
Golem Grandpa
My Teacher, Yorul-san
History and Fenrir
Cooking Researcher Yorul
The Library of Wisdom
Town's Candy Shop
Vlad's Information
Town Guide Slime
Chauffeur Slime
Rich Slime
Negotiating, Zura!!
Shadow's Troubles
Lunch and Slime
Bento and Slime
Sulking Vlad
Sullen Yorul
Good Morning, Slime
Memories and Slime
Slime's Magic Training
Fenrir's Capabilities
Magic Carpet and Slime
Farewell, Dungeon
Tiny Fenrir
The Full Moon's Light
The Omniscient Treasure Pt 2
The Omniscient Treasure Pt 1
The Legend VS Slime Pt 3
The Legend VS Slime Pt 2
The Legend VS Slime Pt 1
The Legendary Direwolf, Fenrir Pt 2
The Legendary Direwolf, Fenrir Pt 1
Fenrir, the Direwolf
A Large Beast Looms
Further Down
Shadow and Slime
Contract and Slime
Trial of Darkness and Slime Pt 2
Trial of Darkness and Slime Pt 1
Grand Archive and Slime
Phantom and Slime
Evil Darul
Dungeon Meal and Slime
Strategy Discussion and Slime
Bestial Slime!
Barriers and Slime
Dungeon and Slime
Yorul's Secret Ingredient
Forest's Dungeon
Before Departure and Slime
Gob and Slime
Plea and Slime
Dragon Slime
Enhancement and Slime
Soaring Yorul
Yorul's Important Announcement
Souvenir Pestering Vlad
White Book and Slime
Chewy Sandwich
Detour and Slime
Golem Master and Darul
Golem Master and Slime Pt 2
Golem Master and Slime Pt 1
Magic Tools and Slime Pt 2
Magic Tools and Slime Pt 1
Adult Order and Slime
Bookstore and Slime Pt 2
Bookstore and Slime Pt 1
Town Again
Black and White Lunchtime Pt 2
Black and White Lunchtime Pt 1
Siroro and Yorul
Siroro's Concern
Automated Checkout Machine
Spirited Slime
Vlad's Grand Magic Pt 4
Vlad's Grand Magic Pt 3
Vlad's Grand Magic Pt 2
Vlad's Grand Magic Pt 1
Prided Golem
My Golem Pt 3
My Golem Pt 2
My Golem Pt 1
Errand and Slime Pt 3
Errand and Slime Pt 2
Errand and Slime Pt 1
Pocona and Siroro
Precocious Pocona
Vengeance and Slime
King Slime
Yorul·Darkeye Pt 2
Yorul·Darkeye Pt 1
Yorul's House
Responsibility and Yorul
Yorul's Chocolate
Examiner Slime
Evil Slime
Orchard and Slime
Following Morning and Darul
Vlad and Siroro
Honest Darul
Adult Flavor and Slime
Slime's Heroic Tale
Combination and Slime
Hot Pot and Slime
Vlad VS Slime Squad
Swarming Slime Pt 2
Swarming Slime Pt 1
River and Slime
Super Slime
Detective Slime
Pocona and Slime Pt 3
Pocona and Slime Pt 2
Pocona and Slime Pt 1
Pocona's Troubles
Limited Edition and Slime
Receiving Customers and Slime
Teacher Yorul
Choosing Candy and Slime
Pocona's Shortcoming
Yorul and Slime
Golem and Darul
Senpai Slime
Souvenir? and Slime
Souvenir and Slime Pt 2
Souvenir and Slime Pt 1
Return Trip and Slime
Golem Workshop and Slime Pt 2
Golem Workshop and Slime Pt 1
The Black Mage, Yorul Pt 3
The Black Mage, Yorul Pt 2
The Black Mage, Yorul Pt 1
Dining Out and Slime
Plushie and Slime
Weapon Shop and Slime
Candy Shop and Slime
First Time in Town
Slime School Life
Halloween Extra - 2
Halloween Extra - 1
Outing and Slime
Disguise and Slime
Payday and Slime
Sandwich and Slime
Cold and Slime
Check Up and Slime
Revenge and Slime
Fortune Telling and Slime
New Year and Slime
Strong Slime
Present and Slime Pt 2
Present and Slime Pt 1
Christmas Eve and Slime
Vlad and Slime
Herb Picking and Slime
Packing and Slime
Metal Slime (Part 2)
Metal Slime (Part 1)
Lunch Time and Slime
Duel and Slime
Pamphlet Making and Slime
Vlad Alucard Pt 2
Vlad Alucard Pt 1
Melting Slime
The White Mage Siroro
Restaurant and Slime
Slime's Magic
Studying and Slime
Basement and Slime
Tattletale and Slime
Trap and Slime
Disliked Food and Slime
Jealousy and Darul
A Threat? Pocona Arrives - 3
A Threat? Pocona Arrives - 2
A Threat? Pocona Arrives - 1
Scary Story and Slime
Magic and Slime
Hospitality Practice and Slime
Sick Darul and Slime
Gummies, Darul, and Slime
Gummies and Darul
Darul and Nemesis
Slime and Special Move
Slime VS Rat Thief
Favorite Food and Slime
Darul and Slime
Sleepless Slime
Slime's Crevice Cleaning
Slime's Motivations
Slime and Work
Pride and Slime
Interview with Slime
Slime Arrives